


Hyundai XTeer TPEO series of products are premium performance trunk piston engine oils

designed for use in medium- speed diesel engines operating exclusively on distillate fuels.


  • Размер упаковки
    • 20L
    • 1000L
  • Особенности /
    • 1Excellent detergency/dispersancy reduces build-up of soot & black sludge
    • 2Exceptional thermal & oxidation stability prevent piston under-crown deposits
    • 3Maintains piston cleanliness
    • 4Corrosion and rust protection prevents wear from water or acids formed by combustion
    • 5Anti-wear performance provides protection to piston & linear and gears
    • 6Excellent BN and viscosity retention to prolong oil service life
  • Применения
    • 1Trunk piston engine of vessel
    • 2Medium speed engines used in marine, power generation and industrial applications
    • 3For general lubrication of shipboard equipment where specialized lubricants are not required.
  • Сертификаты /
    Одобрение / Стандарт производительности
    • 1HiMSEN
    • 2SAE Grade 50
  • Технические характеристики
    Технические характеристики
    ISO Оценка Product type : 3015 Product type : 4015 Product type : 3012 Product type : 4012
    Вязкость (g/L, @15℃) - - - -
    Кинематическая вязкость(@40℃) - - - -
    Кинематическая вязкость(@100℃) 11.54 11.54 11.54 11.54
    Индекс вязкости 105 105 105 105
    Температура возгорания (℃) 238 238 238 238
    Температура застывания (℃) -21 -21 -21 -21
    Общее базовое число (mg KOH/g) 100 70 40 25